
Stop Terrorism | No War No Terrorism

22 Ekim 2007 Pazartesi

Bu makaleyi yabancılara iletiniz lütfen…
We are going to help it to stop PKK terrorism, to end the killing of Turkish soldiers and peoples by the PKK***EU has included in its list of terrorist organisations.
the terror organisation has carried out terrorist acts since 1984. As a result of the terrorist acts the terrorist organisation pkk has conducted against civil population regardless of their being children, babies, women and the elderly, as well as against those who were mostly teachers, religious officials and state officials who served the people living in the region, over 30.000 of our citizens in total were wounded or killed, 11.483 of whom were civilians (5415 killed and 6068 wounded) and 17.875 members of the security forces (5871 killed and 12.004 wounded).
Furthermore, totally 2000 facilities, including 250 schools, 110 mosques and 50 medical facilities were destroyed.
Terrorism has no language, religion, nationality, region or ideology, and it is an international phenomenon threatening the whole world. (never end)
***********************************Dear European Friends..PKK is not only a terrorist group, it is also #1 drug producer to Europe.. If Turkey is suffering from terrorism, Europe is suffering from drug smuggling which is steering by pkk. If somebody around you falls into this shit or dies because of drugs REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE ALSO SUFFERING FROM PKK TERRORISM.. GÖKHAN SEZGİNER(ADMİN)***********************************Amigos Europeos Queridos.PKK es no solamente un grupo del terrorista, él es también 1 productor de la droga a Europa. Si Turquía está sufriendo de terrorismo, Europa está sufriendo del contrabando de la droga que está dirigiendo por el pkk. Si alguien alrededor de usted cae en esta mierda o dados debido a las drogas RECUERDE QUE USTED TAMBIÉN ESTÁ SUFRIENDO DE TERRORISMO de PKK. THANKS TO HASAN UMAR(MEMBER)**********************************Дорогие Европейские Друзья.PKK будет not only группой террориста, им также 1 производитель снадобья к europe.. Если Турция терпит от террорисма, то europe терпит от контрабанды снадобья которая управляет pkk. Если кто-нибудь вокруг вас падает в эти shit или плашки из-за снадобиь, то ВСПОМНИТЕ ЧТО ВЫ ТАКЖЕ ТЕРПИТЕ ОТ ТЕРРОРИСМА PKK. THANKS TO HASAN UMAR(MEMBER)***********************************Cari Amici Europei.PKK è non soltanto un gruppo del terrorista, esso è inoltre 1 produttore della droga ad Europa. Se la Turchia sta soffrendo dal terrorismo, Europa sta soffrendo dal contrabbando della droga che sta dirigendo dal pkk. Se qualcuno intorno voi cade in questi merda o dadi a causa delle droghe RICORDISI di CHE INOLTRE STATE SOFFRENDO DAL TERRORISMO di PKK.Thanks to Hasan Umar(member)*********************************Chers amis européensLe PKK n’est pas seulement un groupe terroriste, il est aussi le producteur numéro 1 de drogue en Europe. Si la Turquie souffre tu terrorisme, l’Europe souffre du traffic de drogue calandestin dirigé par le PKK. Si quelqu’un de votre entourage tombe dans cette merde ou qu’il meurt a cause de la drogue… Rappelez-vous ainsi que vous souffrez aussi du terroirsme du PKK.Thanks to Ayberk ALTUNAL***********************************No apoye al terrorismo. En el un día futuro, los armas podían dar vuelta a tu.***********************************Non sostenga a terrorismo. L’un giorno futuro, le pistole hanno potuto girarsi verso voi***********************************Не поддержите к террорисму. На будущий один день, пушки были в состоянии повернуть к вам***********************************Ne soutenez pas au terrorisme. Le futur un jour, les pistolets ont pu se tourner vers vous (Hasan Umar member)*********************************Kjære Europeiske venner!PKK er ikke bare en terroristgruppe, men også den største produsenten av all narkotika som smugles inn i Europa. Når Tyrkia rammes av terror, rammes Europa samtidig av narkotikasmugling som styres av PKK. Hvis noen rundt deg dør av narkotika, HUSK AT DU OGSÅ DA RAMMES AV PKK-TERROR!

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